Online Store Ground Covers Store/Ground CoversGround CoversRefine by Sort byWe recommendNewest arrivalsPrice: Low to HighPrice: High to LowName: A to ZName: Z to AFiltersClear allFiltersClear allShow itemsShow itemsAchillea millefolium - Common Yarrow Buy NowAchillea millefolium - Common Yarrow$6.00Sold outAntennaria microphylla - Littleleaf PussytoesOut of stockAntennaria microphylla - Littleleaf Pussytoes$11.00Sold outAntennaria rosa - Rosy PussytoesOut of stockAntennaria rosa - Rosy Pussytoes$11.00Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Kinnikinnick Buy NowArctostaphylos uva-ursi - Kinnikinnick$15.00Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Vancouver Jade’ - Vancouver Jade Kinnikinnick Buy NowArctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Vancouver Jade’ - Vancouver Jade Kinnikinnick$6.00Asarum caudatum - Wild Ginger Buy NowAsarum caudatum - Wild Ginger$6.00Sold outAsplenium trichomanes - Maidenhair SpleenwortOut of stockAsplenium trichomanes - Maidenhair Spleenwort$6.00Caltha leptosepala - White Marsh Marigold or Elkslip Buy NowCaltha leptosepala - White Marsh Marigold or Elkslip$6.00Sold outCalyptridium umbellatum - PussypawsOut of stockCalyptridium umbellatum - Pussypaws$10.00Sold outClaytonia perfoliata - Miner's LettuceOut of stockClaytonia perfoliata - Miner's Lettuce$9.00Claytonia sibirica - Candyflower Buy NowClaytonia sibirica - Candyflower$9.00Sold outCornus canadensis - Bunchberry DogwoodOut of stockCornus canadensis - Bunchberry Dogwood$6.00Sold outCornus unalaschkensis - Western Bunchberry DogwoodOut of stockCornus unalaschkensis - Western Bunchberry Dogwood$8.00Sold outErythranthe (Mimulus) guttata - Yellow Monkey FlowerOut of stockErythranthe (Mimulus) guttata - Yellow Monkey Flower$6.00Fragaria chiloensis - Beach Strawberry Buy NowFragaria chiloensis - Beach Strawberry$6.00Fragaria vesca - Woodland Strawberry Buy NowFragaria vesca - Woodland Strawberry$6.00Fragaria virginiana - Mountain Strawberry Buy NowFragaria virginiana - Mountain Strawberry$6.00Sold outGaultheria ovatifolia - Oregon Spicy WintergreenOut of stockGaultheria ovatifolia - Oregon Spicy Wintergreen$10.00Gaultheria shallon - Salal Buy NowGaultheria shallon - Salal$15.00Sold outLeptarrhena pyrolifolia - Leatherleaf SaxifrageOut of stockLeptarrhena pyrolifolia - Leatherleaf Saxifrage$10.00Sold outLinnaea borealis - TwinflowerOut of stockLinnaea borealis - Twinflower$10.00Lonicera hispidula - Hairy, Pink Honeysuckle Buy NowLonicera hispidula - Hairy, Pink Honeysuckle$10.00Sold outMahonia (Berberis) nervosa - Cascade Oregon Grape, Low Oregon GrapeOut of stockMahonia (Berberis) nervosa - Cascade Oregon Grape, Low Oregon Grape$18.00Mahonia (Berberis) repens - Creeping Oregon Grape Buy NowMahonia (Berberis) repens - Creeping Oregon Grape$18.00Sold outMaianthemum dilatatum - Wild or False Lily of the ValleyOut of stockMaianthemum dilatatum - Wild or False Lily of the Valley$6.00Micranthes oregana - Oregon Saxifrage Buy NowMicranthes oregana - Oregon Saxifrage$8.00Sold outMitella [Brewerimitella] ovalis - Coastal MiterwortOut of stockMitella [Brewerimitella] ovalis - Coastal Miterwort$6.00Sold outMitellastra caulescens - Leafy MitrewortOut of stockMitellastra caulescens - Leafy Mitrewort$6.00Montia parvifolia - Little Leaf Miner's Lettuce Buy NowMontia parvifolia - Little Leaf Miner's Lettuce$6.00Sold outOxalis oregana - Redwood SorrelOut of stockOxalis oregana - Redwood Sorrel$6.00Sold outPyrola grandiflora - Largeflowered WintergreenOut of stockPyrola grandiflora - Largeflowered Wintergreen$10.00Sold outRubus pedatus - Strawberry Leaf RaspberryOut of stockRubus pedatus - Strawberry Leaf Raspberry$8.00Sold outRubus ursinus - Pacific Blackberry, DewberryOut of stockRubus ursinus - Pacific Blackberry, Dewberry$15.00Sold outSaxifraga (Micranthes) ferruginea - Rusty SaxifrageOut of stockSaxifraga (Micranthes) ferruginea - Rusty Saxifrage$8.00Sold outSedum divergens - Pacific or Spreading StonecropOut of stockSedum divergens - Pacific or Spreading Stonecrop$8.00Sold outSedum lanceolatum - Lance-leaf StonecropOut of stockSedum lanceolatum - Lance-leaf Stonecrop$8.00Sedum oreganum - Oregon Stonecrop Buy NowSedum oreganum - Oregon Stonecrop$8.00Sold outSedum spathulifolium - Broad-Leaf StonecropOut of stockSedum spathulifolium - Broad-Leaf Stonecrop$8.00Sold outSedum stenopetalum- Wormleaf StonecropOut of stockSedum stenopetalum- Wormleaf Stonecrop$8.00Sold outTrifolium wormskioldii - Sping, Cow, Salt Marsh CloverOut of stockTrifolium wormskioldii - Sping, Cow, Salt Marsh Clover$8.00Sold outVaccinium oxycoccos - Small CranberryOut of stockVaccinium oxycoccos - Small Cranberry$10.00Sold outVancouveria hexandra - Inside-Out-FlowerOut of stockVancouveria hexandra - Inside-Out-Flower$15.00Sold outVeronica americana - American SpeedwellOut of stockVeronica americana - American Speedwell$8.00Viola adunca - Hookedspur Violet Buy NowViola adunca - Hookedspur Violet$15.00Viola glabella - Pioneer Violet, Stream Violet Buy NowViola glabella - Pioneer Violet, Stream Violet$8.00Viola nuttallii v. praemorsa - Canary Violet Buy NowViola nuttallii v. praemorsa - Canary Violet$6.00Sold outViola palustris - Marsh VioletOut of stockViola palustris - Marsh Violet$6.00