Frog Lovers
Happy New Year!! 2024 is here!!
Winter is here and we have started our Winter Hours. Ordering online is always available and we strive to keep our online store inventory up-to-date! When we receive your order online, we immediately put the plants aside… Continue reading
2023/2024 Winter hours are here!
Winter is here and we have started our Winter Hours. Ordering online is always available and we strive to keep our online store inventory up-to-date! When we receive your order online, we immediately put the plants aside… Continue reading
NEW PLANTS we have not had in inventory before
Along with our new plant arrivals are several plants that we have never had before and are quite excited to be able to offer! They include the following evergreen shrubs, Ceanothus ceneatus (Buck Brush), which grows up to 6 feet… Continue reading
Drought-tolerant Plants
It was a warm spring, with a nice reprieve thankfully, however thinking about adding extra drought-tolerant native plants to your garden is always a great idea. They may take some watering the first year after planting but once the plants… Continue reading