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Nursery Hours
Tuesday 10-12
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"Everything you need for a native landscape."

Drought-tolerant Plants

It was a warm spring, with a nice reprieve thankfully, however thinking about adding extra drought-tolerant native plants to your garden is always a great idea. They may take some watering the first year after planting but once the plants are established, they can hold up to even the most extremely warm and dry days that summer and even spring can bring while remaining looking fantastic and putting on a spectacular floral show! Conifers such as Pinus contora (Shore Pine) and Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky Mountain Juniper) make great shade and privacy-producing additions to your yard. Shrubs such as Myrica californica (California Wax Myrtle) and Mahonia aquafolium (Tall Oregon Grape) offer an evergreen presence on a smaller scale and are great pollinator plants as well. Perennials such as Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion), Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), and Fragaria chiloensis (Sand Strawberry) are very showy and tolerate even the most droughty conditions. If you are facing the most extreme growing environments such as a seashore or containerized plantings that may see some neglect as we go on with our busy lives this summer, plants such Artemisia suksdorfii (Coastal Mugwort) and Leymus mollis (Dune Grass) will always be green when you return from your adventures!
-The team at Plantas nativa